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  • Favorite Game Limbo

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  1. I came from Ben, thank you. God heard my voice. Thank you for Koko. I like you
  2. یکی نیست جواب منو بدهThere is no one, answer me. .
  3. Hi . My user id 1362828 email [email protected] May I ask you a request. I became Ben Diem on August 30, 2022. After 6 months, I requested to remove the ban, but every time they send me an email notifying me of the next month. . In the last email I received, I found out that they wrongly assumed that I was permanently arrested on August 30, 2023, and they told me to apply in 6 months. . While I have been Ben for more than a year and a half. Please ask them to check my file carefully. thank you
  4. Hi .  My user id  1362828   email    [email protected]    May I ask you a request.  I became Ben Diem on August 30, 2022.  After 6 months, I requested to remove the ban, but every time they send me an email notifying me of the next month.  .  In the last email I received, I found out that they wrongly assumed that I was permanently arrested on August 30, 2023, and they told me to apply in 6 months.  .  While I have been Ben for more than a year and a half.  Please ask them to check my file carefully.  thank you

  5.    سلام   ایا  من   برنده  یک‌ شیت  کد  شدم ؟  هر بار             به همین امید  به اینجا می ایم و ناامید  برمی گردم                   Hello, did I win a code sheet?  Every time we come here with the same hope and I return disappointed

  6. لوگوی سایت بی سی به تنهایی می تواند به عنوان نماد سکه های بی سی باشد یک روح در دو بدن The BC website logo alone can be a symbol of BC coins, one soul in two bodies. لوگوی سایت تنها گذیته مناسب می باشد . . یک روح در دو بدن The logo of the site is the only suitable item. . One soul in two bodies
  7. I just want to tell you that no matter the results, there's something that no one can take from you, and it's the fact you resonated with Argentinians, every single one. I'm being serious. "There's no kid who doesn't have your team flannel, no matter if it's a fake, real or a made up one. Truly, you made your mark in everyone's life. And that, to me, is beyond winning any World Cup.” فقط می خواهم به شما بگویم که نتایج خیلی مهم نیست ، چیزی وجود دارد که هیچ کس نمی تواند از شما بگیرد، و این واقعیتی است که شما آرژانتینی ها، تک تک آن راطنین انداز کردید. دارم جدی میگم "هیچ بچه ای نیست که شمایل و لباس تیم شما را نداشته باشد، فرقی نمی کند ساختگی باشد، واقعی یا ساختگی. شما در این روزها واقعاً، نشان خود را در زندگی همه گذاشتید. و این برای من، فراتر از قهرمانی در هر جام جهانی است." ”
  8. I just want to tell you that no matter the results, there's something that no one can take from you, and it's the fact you resonated with Argentinians, every single one. I'm being serious. "There's no kid who doesn't have your team flannel, no matter if it's a fake, real or a made up one. Truly, you made your mark in everyone's life. And that, to me, is beyond winning any World Cup.” فقط می خواهم به شما بگویم که نتایج خیلی مهم نیست ، چیزی وجود دارد که هیچ کس نمی تواند از شما بگیرد، و این واقعیتی است که شما آرژانتینی ها، تک تک آن راطنین انداز کردید. دارم جدی میگم "هیچ بچه ای نیست که شمایل و لباس تیم شما را نداشته باشد، فرقی نمی کند ساختگی باشد، واقعی یا ساختگی. شما در این روزها واقعاً، نشان خود را در زندگی همه گذاشتید. و این برای من، فراتر از قهرمانی در هر جام جهانی است." ”
  9. The children of humanity are each others limbs"
    That shares an origin in their creator"
    When one limb passes its days in pain"
    The other limbs can not remain easy"
    You who feel no pain at the suffering of others"
    It is not fitting you be called human"


     بنی آدم اعضای یکدیگرند

     که در آفرینش ز یک گوهرند
     چو عضوی به درد آورد روزگار
     دگر عضوها را نماند قرار
     تو کز محنت دیگران بی غمی
     نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی


    I have made the biggest challenge of all the rotating activities of this site not only for myself but for all the generous players.  But to implement it, I need the help and support of BC managers.

     My challenge is to help Ukraine. How can we help them?

     I say :
     Choose one or more of the most popular games such as Mine, Limbo, or Blast to help Ukraine.  On the main page, let the players know that anyone who wants to allocate two percent of the profit of any bet they make is for the people of Ukraine and themselves. They can choose and play these games to help Ukraine.  Separate the Ukrainian share in each bet and set it aside.  At the end of the day, return one percent of the accumulated profits to the player and allocate the remaining one percent to the people of Ukraine.



      thats a beautiful idea, but how do we know its going to ukraine ? because it seems that you guys are already taking 2% of my winnings every bet i win... ill attach below.

      Screenshot (65).png

      Screenshot (61).png

      Screenshot (62).png

      Screenshot (63).png

      Screenshot (64).png

  10. I sor sory

    1. serendipityy


      U can make screenshot and reported to Support

      Thank you 

    2. Keyvanbc
    3. Keyvanbc


      سلام .چطور میشه بعضی پیامهای قبلی که خودمون نوشتیم از اینجا پاکش کرد .

      Hi. How can I delete some of the previous messages we wrote from here?

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